Monday, July 13, 2009


When India became independent in 1947 after centuries of colonial rule, it made every Indian proud. It was a moment of renewal, a time of euphoria which gave hope to the people that the ills of the past would be corrected by a government and an administrative system now would run by their own people. Moreover, the circumstances under which we attained our nationhood were such that we needed to have a structure that would provide stability.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel stated in the Constituent Assembly in 1949 that,
"you will not have a united India if you do not have a good all-India Service which has the independence to speak out its mind, which has a sense of security. The Constitution is meant to be worked by a ring of Service, which will keep the country intact".
This should the ethos in which members of the then Indian Civil Service and every other Indian should be trained and oriented in. The entire administrative system for good reason should be such that it has to be referred to as the 'Steel Frame' for its integrative work. We should together give a national outlook to our country which is already blessed with wide diversity and is vast in size.
If we have to be successful in making a tangible difference to the lives of our people, the administrative machinery and the mindsets of our administrators should also have to undergo a change.
Our administrative system must become more goal-oriented. A new work-ethic, a new work-culture must be evolved in which Government should be result-bound and not procedure bound !! A strong concern for efficiency must permeate all institutions. This means, that our administrators need to transform themselves into professionals and oversee the effective delivery of services.
People are no longer happy with what has been achieved, because of the quick growth & widely spreading CORRUPTION!! Indeed, the world looks towards India with great expectation.
This is the great goal that we must gear up for. Our Civil servants have to play a more dynamic and creative role. Every Individual should be committed to bring about positive changes in the lives of the people and thus, it will definitely create growth opportunities for our Nation. We need to set forth a vision of an inclusive society, an inclusive economy and an inclusive growth process that is equitable socially and regionally. The Government should realize that THEY are the implementers of the schemes and in constant contact with the people. Their work, therefore, should be development-centric and their attitudes should be people-friendly. The business as usual attitude must change. We need officers who can find innovative means within the system to make it responsive to the needs of our people. This means they will have to be pro-active, adopt new approaches and find new ways of doing things which result in assigned tasks being done more efficiently and effectively. Our Government Officers could be the harbingers of such a change. As the philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Our System must not become birds of passage; instead they must leave their imprint wherever they work and they can do that ONLY if they gain the faith of the people.
Last but NOT the least, I would like to say that our Government Officials that make the System, SHOULD NOT let the power and facilities which come with their posts, make them inaccessible to the people or make the people feel you are not accessible. The Greek philosopher, Plato said, "the measure of a man is what he does with power." MEANS : You shall be judged by what you do for the welfare of the people. That will be the only yardstick of your contribution to the nation. Infrastructure work and social welfare programmes must proceed forward, if we are to fulfill our tryst with destiny to make India a developed country, rooted in its civilization values of living in harmony and bearing respect for all human beings.
If you do this, you would have been successful in making, INDIA a nation with it’s true meaning! In this way you will have earned the gratitude and good wishes of millions of our people who place so much hope upon you.
I believe in making our Country “SANER” & “SAFER”.
I shall NEVER be afraid to Fight for it!

By - Pallavi