Sunday, March 22, 2009



Welcome to Reality Speaks - Be A Part Of Reality Speaks,

The conflict between private interests - especially unbridled private commercial interests and public good is, and will remain, a real one. Rejecting politics and rejecting ideology will not mitigate this contradiction. It will continue to wreak havoc by creating production possibilities where living is impossible. It will continue to create social conflicts when there are islands of wealth amidst a sea of neglect and misery.
That Indians volunteer as much as they do is remarkable and commendable. Yet, volunteerism without sympathy for the oppressed, without social awareness and critical observation, without in-depth education, without analysis, and without a political ideology is doomed to isolated and limited successes. A nation of almost a billion people, with millions surviving on the very brink of society, requires much more.
Come let’s take a look at our lives. How should we describe it? Contented ? Rushed ? Exciting ? Stressful ? Moving forward ? Holding back ? For many of us it’s all of the above at times. What would your life look like if you could start over with a clean slate? It's after all not that difficult.
You just need to break the shell and step out. Don't just speak do something about it.!
It's not very difficult to be a part of Reality Speaks. All that you got to do, is follow these few steps & you can be an active participant with Reality Speaks.
STEP 1 : Go through as many postings on this blog as possible. Will hepl you understand
Reality Speaks better.
STEP 2 : Give your views, criticism, ideas your perception on any or every article that has
been posted here by simply clicking on the comments box under every article.
STEP 3 : Make your suggestions, tell me what more can I do to make Reality Speaks more
user friendly, informative and useful to one and all. This option is available on the
comments box under the label marked
STEP 4 : Drop in your votes at the article and blog poll on your right hand side of the screen.
STEP 5 : If you wish to share your experiances or any articles you have written or maybe
would like to share something that you came across in any litrature or books
which will bring more awareness to all our followers and visitors, you can very
well do so by posting them in the comments box under the label,
STEP 6 : If you have anything in specific that you wish to ask or say but do not wish to
publish it, please feel free to write to me in the comments box under th label
"CONTACT US" with your email address without fail or else we will not
be able to reply to your queries.

** PLEASE NOTE : A ny and Every comment that you post in the comments box will
first be moderated and then published. Reality Speaks gurantees
you that every comment and query posted by any and every one
will be treated with equality and attended to within 24 to 48 hours
depending upon the need of the submission.

Pallavi Nag.

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