Sunday, March 22, 2009


Ref : DNA,Mumbai,Friday,March,6,2009,Page.:6.

"129" Comes To Rescue"

An abusive father threatened to kick his daughter Pooja and her sister out of their home. The girls mother has been sending money to support the faamily for the last 10 years from Dubai. However, when the girls learnt that their father had plans to remarry and force them out of their house, Pooja dialled "1298", the womes helpline initiated in January last year.

Since this inception, the 24/7 helpline has attended to over 7,220 calls.

Women can call "1298" from a landline or mobile. The call is attended by the helpline and then referred to approopriate organizations. The helpline was the brainchild of Mumbai Sheriff Indu Shahani. The December 31 assaul on women in Juhu, triggered the idea. Now, a year after the successful endeavour, Shahani said, " When I started, I wasen't sure of the response. But today, 1298 is like a model for the country."

Last September, the "1298 women's resourse directory", containing informationand contact details of about 75 NGO's, was launched. "After it's launch, the number of calls have reduced by almost 50%," said Rubina Vaz, counsellor with the helpline. From counselling services to short-stay homes to legal and health support, the helpline ensures that the women are given the right direction. However, the role of the helpline doesn't end here. "We conduct follow ups of the cases we refer," says Vaz. While 60% of the cases are of domestic violence, sexual harressment and legal aid, problem of senior citizens constitute 20% of the calls.

Shahani termsthe helpline as an excellent example of partnership between the sheriff's office , 1298 service, the NGO and the police.

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